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Mission accomplished : A new class of frigates for the German Navy will be required to fulfill an extensive and unprecedented range of operations – and they’ll be undertaking such tasks while running on high-tech, next-gen, eco-friendly propulsion systems
Propulsion pioneer : A new generation of advanced AHTSVs is being launched by Nam Cheong featuring cutting-edge drive technology that offers 6,000kW power output
Sunshine state : An advanced autonomous solar electric catamaran has been developed that could save a huge amount of CO2 emissions per year
Sea change : Daring to do something different from the rest of the sector, Wes Bordelon established his own shipyard to build an offshore support vessel fleet that’s unlike anything else on offer from his Gulf of Mexico competitors
Supercharge surge : Commuting between Stockholm and Solna Strand, the E/S Movitz is a technological showpiece of advanced efficient marine propulsion and fast charging solutions