Nortek’s advanced Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) and Doppler Velocity Logs (DVLs) use the Doppler effect to measure motion in the marine environment. ADCPs are used to measure oceanographic processes as seen in currents and waves, while DVLs help subsea vehicles to navigate underwater.
Our technology is used in various applications:
- Engineers use our sensors to conduct offshore operations, including construction, maintenance and surveying
- Underwater robotics developers use our sensors to provide new solutions that aim to increase safety and efficiency of these operations
- Scientists use our sensors to learn more about our marine environment and discover the unexplored depths of our oceans
At Nortek, we are renowned for our strong technical expertise and responsiveness, ensuring customer success throughout every step of a project. Our robust and capable underwater sensors are backed by dedicated software and our global support team.
Nortek's Vessel-Mounted system
The Nucleus1000 expands the technological capabilities of small AUVs and ROVs
Ideal for real-time applications requiring wave data